  • COVID Policy
    Do I need to be vaccinated against COVID-19?
    We expect COVID rules to have been relaxed in two years’ time. In case vaccination is still mandatory to travel to France or to enter the venue and you don’t want to participate for that reason, we will of course refund your registration fees.
  • Refunds
    I registered for the EGC but now I can’t attend. Can I have a refund?
    Yes, provided you inform us up to 30 days before the first day of the Congress.
  • Groups
    I would like to register a group of young players. What’s the best way to do so? I’m not exactly sure yet who will join the group.
    We will address such demands on a case-by-case basis. Each player will need to be registered individually by name in order to enter the playing site. Hence, an account will need to be created for all participants before the EGC starts.
  • Volunteering
    I would like to help organize the EGC. How can I get involved? What will be the arrangement?
    We welcome all offers of help in organizing the EGC. You can volunteer either on a full-time basis, meaning that you won’t participate in any of the tournaments, or on a part-time basis, meaning you can participate in the events, see 'what kind of volunteering are you?'. If you have a specific idea of how you’d like to contribute, fill in the volunteers form or feel free to get in touch at
  • Payment
    Can I pay for my registration with cash?
    Yes, it is possible. You should get in touch with one of the organizing team members to do so. You’ll need to fill out the registration form first.
  • Animals
    Can I bring my dog/cat/emotional support zebra onto the campus?
    Unfortunately, no animals of any kind are permitted on the campus grounds.
  • Friends
    My friend wants to come and see me play, is that okay?
    Only people who are registered to attend the EGC can access the ENAC site. You can register someone as a non-playing visitor for free on the website, registrations will likely close 1-2 weeks before the start of the EGC.
  • Téléphone
    Will there be somewhere where I can charge my phone?
    Yes, there are electrical points available on site.
  • Car
    Can I park on site?
    There is limited on-site parking available, please contact us if you require parking close to the playing area. Other parking spots are available outside of the ENAC campus.
  • Arriving
    What can I expect when I arrive on site?
    Since the Aviation School is a secure site, your identity and luggage will be checked when you arrive to ensure that no dangerous materials are brought onto the campus.
  • Partying
    I’m a party animal, will that pose any problems?
    You cannot bring alcohol onto the campus site, but you will be able to buy beer from the EGC bar.
  • Wi-fi
    I’m addicted to social media, will there be wi-fi?
    The campus will have limited publicly-accessible wi-fi available, it might be best to top-up your data allowance!
  • Transport
    How can I get from the airport to the ENAC campus?
    We have arranged a free shuttle bus service that will run all day for those EGC visitors arriving on Saturday 27th July
  • Wandering
    Can I leave and enter the campus freely?
    Yes, but if you plan to reenter the campus after 1am, you should inform a member of the EGC organising team in advance.

Competitions FAQ

  • Niveau
    Can I register at the rank which I believe is my strength, if I believe my EGF rank is too low?
    All players will be registered at their EGF rating on Saturday, July 27. We encourage you to play official tournaments until then to validate your progress.
  • Pairing
    Can I avoid being paired with a specific player I want to avoid?
    with more than a thousand players, we cannot handle such requests. Hopefully, statistically, meeting a specific person is quite improbable even at the same level. If you were unlucky enough to be paired with them, you can still consider resigning.
  • Main Tournament
    I will arrive at July 28, in the morning. Can I play the first round of the main tournament?
    You can have a friend of yours come to the info desk on the 27th to register you to the main tournament. Of course, you must have completed and paid your EGC registration beforehand. If for whatever reason you miss the round, it will be counted as a lost game.
  • Weekend Tournament
    I will arrive at August 3rd, in the morning. Can I play the first round of the weekend tournament?
    You can have a friend of yours come to the info desk on Friday to register you to the weekend tournament. Of course, you must have completed and paid your EGC registration beforehand. If for whatever reason you miss the round, it will be counted as a lost game.
  • Clock
    What happens if my time is up and I didn't realize it because the sound was off?
    If the time is up, the game is lost. Check that the sound is turned on your clock. (Every morning we will check that the sound is on.)