
EGC 2024


Dear go players!

The European Go Congress 2024 will take place in Toulouse in Southern France from July 26th to August 10th. We’re very happy to officially announce it!


We’re currently preparing an amazing program to make this event a memorable one and will keep you updated regularly about what we consider to be worth being called “major updates”.

What we can be sure about, at this early stage of the event, is that you will have the opportunity to play Go in a breathtaking environment, meet your best Go buddies and make new ones, improve your Go skills, also enjoy other games, activities and touristic tours. Of course, the party will be part of the program.

“ The French Go Federation is very happy to welcome the EGC 2024 in Toulouse, “The pink city”, a place famous for its long history of aviation and… Go!

As a matter of fact, our playing location will be at ENAC, the French National School of Civil Aviation, a very spacious and modern campus that shall be to the taste of Go players!

The Go Seigen club of Toulouse will play a big part in organizing this event. It is one of the largest go clubs in France, it developed a lot (nearly 100 players!) when Fan Hui 2p joined it in the 2000’s. We’re glad to have them on board!

Our region, Occitanie, is full of nice sites to visit. Even simply Toulouse city is worth it  for two weeks with a very pleasant atmosphere in summer times, with hundred of bars, restaurants and peculiar places. Leaving the city, you can go to the Pyrénées (1h), Méditerannean sea (1h) and Atlantic Ocean (2h30).

We are preparing a big event and we will be ready to welcome more than one thousand go fans. What about you, will you be ready to join? ”

Jean-Yves Papazoglou
Director, EGC 2024


Toulouse, « the pink city »

Beside the tournament place, let’s say a few words about Toulouse.

Located in West-Southern France, Toulouse is one of the biggest cities of the country. It is called the “pink city” due to its historical construction materials, terracotta bricks (just like the terracotta army in Xi’an, but with houses).

Toulouse is also the main city of the Occitania region. Even if you don’t speak French, you may notice here the very strong accent of the citizens and also come across signs in Occitan dialects in the streets. One could say that Toulouse inhabitants are more friendly and positive than the people living in Paris, which makes it a very nice place.

What to do ? During your stay, you can visit interesting museums, monuments, or hang around on the Place du capitole, take a beer near the Canal du Midi…

Want to see more information about Toulouse, its areas, and things to do ?


The National School of Civil Aviation

The Congress will take place in Southern France in Toulouse at the ENAC – French National School of Civil Aviation, the leading aeronautics and aviation university in Europe! The place will offer us a lot of space to play Go comfortably and explore the various skies of the Go world.  Spoiler alert: as in summer temperatures can reach high levels, we will have air conditioning in all playing rooms.



Meet Our Team

After he discovered Go in 1974 with his brothers, Jean-Yves never really stopped liking it: today, he is the director of the EGC! He is also an aviation passionate, working on a project of electric aircraft (but it won’t be ready to fly you to Toulouse).
Go teacher, Go passionate and Go illustrator, Camille is the big boss of communications for the EGC. If you find her without a pen and a fox, it means you found the wrong person.
Go player since 1997, when she fell in love with Go and its high spirit of community, Chantal is the vice-president of the French Go Federation. She helps with the budget of the EGC and administrative questions!
As many around here, Milena is a Go passionate and wants to share that passion with you. Reports and story addict, she took control of the Radio Tower and its digital network to document the EGC for you.
After he first joined the Dark Side playing chess, Andeol discovered Go. Statistics lover and climber, he’ll use his skills to find the best options for you to sleep and eat (yes yes, it’s all linked).
You just landed on a webpage, and you can thank Andy for that! Even though he struggles with the clock in Go, he codes super-fast on a computer. Like a magician, he makes the python dance…
Benoît is a satellite program director at ENAC and our referent there. He is also a Go player who helped to dynamize the game in France with Fan Hui 2p, long time ago!
Claude says he “likes to code”, and our team also like when he does: see that website? Our software architect is also the president of the French Go Federation. Usually, the more responsibility, the less progress in Go… but maybe that’s a lie!
Adventurer, books and travel passionate, Denis is our tourism expert. He will make sure you can discover the most outstanding places in Toulouse.
For many years president of the French Go Federation and organizer of the French Go Camp, Fred brings his expertise in logistics to the team. One goal - make the EGC organization fly as smooth as possible!
Artist, photograph and beer Go lover, Matthieu first learnt Go without actually playing it, until he learnt it for real. With his good eye and artistic taste, he pushes communications through new skies.
Currently president of club Go Seigen of Toulouse and engineer in spatial systems, he has played go for more than 20 years, with better results in organizing go events than playing games. He is responsible for the EGC finances.

Ready to make contact?

You landed on the right page if you wish to participate in the 2024 Go Congress 😎 !
Hey, how about you try to gain 2 stones* by 2024? Early registration helps you motivate yourself to improve by then and helps us better plan the event.
To contribute to this win-win situation, please fill the form below:

* It means to improve your level for example from 10 kyu to 8kyu. You can do it!
